
Corporate Headshots for Michigan Counties, Cities, Villages, and Townships

Elected officials and municipal staff play an important role in our communities. The online connections made through websites, social media, and other methods provide an opportunity to share important information about services and facilities. Current headshots of municipal representatives and staff help to strengthen the online presence of the local government.

When a company or organization updates the headshots of its personnel and representatives, it is accomplishing several key goals including:

  1. Building credibility: First impressions are critical to building success. A headshot translates your professionalism to clients, constituents, colleagues, and others in your network.  When a client meets you for the first time and the headshot they viewed online is up-to-date and reflects the person they are meeting, this builds trust.
  2. Reinforce Branding: Every business has a brand. Some are better defined than others.  Updating your headshots to align with your current brand identity reinforces your brand’s message.  It also adds another layer of credibility.
  3. Building Connections Across Different Platforms: With updated headshots, you have an opportunity to get more than one look captured.  Sometimes you want to portray your team in a traditional formal headshot, because that will make a strong connection to certain clients.  Other times, a more casual, relaxed look might be the best way to show off your team and land the project or client you are pursuing.     

Below are recent headshots from the City of Fraser, located in Macomb County, Michigan.

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