Hudson – Jazz Supergroup with DeJohnette – Scofield – Medeski – Grenadier at Detroit Jazz Fest | Photos
Hudson, a jazz supergroup with a legendary lineup, played this year’s Detroit Jazz Festival and it was an amazing set. I never thought I would hear Jack DeJohnette sing in live, but he was really great. I once flew to New York just to see Jack DeJohnette, Gary Peacock, and Keith Jarrett perform at the New Jersey PAC. I have been known to purchase two John Scofield CDs so I would have one to share with a friend so others could get to know his music. Larry Grenadier is such an incredible bass player and keyboardist John Medeski plays with palpable intensity and creativity. Thanks for coming to Detroit.
I wanted to share my photos from the show. If you share on social media, please credit Rod Arroyo @portraitsbyrod.